Electron Ray

The caster creates a beam of energy to be shot at a target within sight, up to range 60 ft. Radius of the beam is 1 ft in diameter. Causes 25 Injury to any target beyond 10 ft. Within 0-10 ft causes 75 damage. 

School: Exorcist

SLP Cost: 90

Duration: instant


The caster becomes a seething mass of plasma. Clothes and equipment also become plasma. They can carry nothing while in this form. The subject retains normal senses and may speak with a rumbling liquid-like voice. They are immune to fire and most other elements. They take only one point of Injury from any physical attack. 

School: Exorcist

SLP Cost: 80

Duration: 1 battle

Armour of Plasma

The caster is enveloped by an armour of plasma. For the duration of spell the caster will take no Injuries. 

School: Exorcist

SLP Cost: 80

Duration: 1 battle 

Plasma Sphere

Lets the caster throw a ball of plasma from their hand. When it strikes something it vanishes in a gout of plasma, doing +10 Injury to everything within five feet. 

School: Exorcist

SLP Cost: 30

Duration: instant

Plasma Sword

Forms a blade approximately 1 yard long, doing +2 Injury per the caster’s level. Ex: a mage at level 3 will do +6 injury. 

School: Exorcist

SLP Cost: 80

Duration: 1 battle

Living Hair

The caster grows very long locks of hair which act as weaponized appendages under control of the caster. Injuries: Whip +2, Sharp Slice +3, Strangle +2 per round until the target can break free with a roll against their own Toughness.  

School: Exorcist

SLP Cost: 50

Duration 1 battle

Reverse Time 

Caster causes time to reverse within 60 ft of self. The duration of time is equal to that of the caster's level. Ex: if caster is level 3 they reverse time by three minutes. 

School: Exorcist

SLP Cost: 20

Time to cast: 1 minute 

Time Displacement 

On a specific target or area of no more than 10 ft the caster causes time to jump around to different points. If the spell was cast on an opponent their body will instantly age to various stages of growth within their own lifetime. If the spell is on an affected area those who enter or are already within the area, will experience the same effect.  

School: Exorcist

SLP Cost: 20

Duration 5 minutes

Slow Time 

On an affected area of 20 ft time slows to a rate of 1 month per every minute that passes. This completely incapcitates all those within the area, as they will appear near-motionless. The duration of the spell is optional. The caster can choose a specified amount of time but may not exceed the character’s level. Thus a caster at level 3 cannot cast the spell for more than 3 minutes. 

School: Exorcist

SLP Cost: 20

Duration varied

Time Loop

The caster causes time to jump from one instant to a previous instant in time in an area of no more than 10 ft. The duration of time cannot exceed the caster's level. A caster at level 3 cannot cast the spell for more than the last 3 minutes of time. Ex: targets within the affected area will jump back to the previous three minutes. All comrades of caster must not be within the affected area when the spell is cast. Outside of the affected area they will see themselves where they were previously but not be affected by the spell. The spell itself can only be cast equal to the caster's level. Thus a caster at level 3 can cast this spell to repeat the last three minutes in a loop lasting for no more than the next three minutes. 

School: Exorcist

SLP Cost: 30

Duration varied

Lost Time 

An opponent will suddenly black out and then come back to their senses wondering where they are, how they got there, and how much time has passed. They will only remember events before the encounter. 

School: Exorcist

SLP Cost: 30

Duration: 5 mins

Shape Fields 

This spell allows the caster to shape magnetic fields. It can allow electrical devices to function in close proximity without mutual interference. It can be used to make a compass point in any direction. It can focus a magnetic field, making it stronger in one direction but much weaker in all others.

School: Exorcist

SLP Cost: 6

Duration: 2 rounds of battle.


Caster can cast this spell to transport one target to a location they are familiar with. 

School: Exorcist

SLP Cost: 10

Duration permanent


Caster expels the living soul from any 1 opponent to an eternity in Hell. Target must roll against their Immunity. If successful the caster cannot recast for the duration of that particular battle. 

School: Exorcist

SLP Cost: 50

Duration: eternity 

Reverse Spell

Reverse any spell against its caster. 

School: Exorcist

SLP Cost: 6

Duration instant

Magic Blast

The caster fires a blast of mystical energy at an opponent causing Injury equal to their own level. Ex: an Exorcist at level 3 will cause 3 points of Injury, and so forth. Power of spell increases at every level.

School: Exorcist

SLP Cost: 8

Duration instant


Caster transforms one creature into another creature of equal size. For example, a medium sized creature such as a human cannot be transformed into a small creature such as a mouse. 

School: Exorcist

SLP Cost: 10

Duration 3 days


The Exorcist casts this spell on a target possessed by a spirit. The possessed target must roll against their Immunity. If successful the spirit will leave their body and never return. If failed the Exorcist will then roll against their own Intuition. They may continue to try as many times as needed. This spell also works against other spirits as a ward to repel them. 

School: Exorcist

SLP Cost: 8

Duration permanent