Choosing a Character to Play



There are several types of angels and you may customize your character to reflect that aesthetic. Perhaps some future expansion will explore that, but where this game is concerned however, all angels are grouped together. 

An angel is reluctant to give their word, because once they have done so they will never break it. They are ethical and just, but they are likewise fierce and brutal in battle. When entering a battle they will fight to the death, thus the Escape action does not apply. 

SAS Increase: You gain 1 to your toughness and 2 to your agility, 3 to Charm. 

Natural Abilities 

Flight. Add 2 to Agility and +2 Injury for aerial battles only. 

Heavenly Aura: a golden radiance shines forth at will causing temporary blindness which gives the character a free attack once per battle. 

Flaming Sword: During battle an Angel can set their sword on fire at will  for one full battle; Injury +4. As this is a Celestial power the effect of Hell Fire is negated. 


Demons are likewise Celestials, the same as Angels. While it is true they were once Angels, many were born in Hell. In Hell demons have power and authority. On Earth they have to compete for everything they get. Once they hated Hell and enjoyed time on Earth. That has changed. 

Demons will lie, cheat, steal, murder, and do anything they want for no reason whatsoever. If a battle is not going their way they will do everything they can to escape, but later they will kill for the fun of it. They hate for no other reason than hate itself. But on occasion there are those who break the mold. 

SAS Increase: add 3 to Toughness, 2 to Agility, 1 to Immunity,  and 1 to Menace 

Natural Abilities

Deception: When lying you gain +2 to Charm.

Hell Fire. This misunderstood fire is often ascribed as mystical. It may be used as a projectile weapon or as a tool. If as a weapon: +5 Injury up to 10 ft. If as a tool the GM will need to determine its effect. Demons have learned how to weaponize Hell Fire. It rises from within them and is expelled from their hands. They can use this during battles with +2 Injury. And perhaps its greatest benefit: Hell Fire burns everything!  It burns in water, it burns in space. It burns steel, it burns plasma. There is nothing impervious or immune to Hell Fire. In some cases, depending on how a PC wants to use it, a GM may need to decide the effect. Ex: a PC wants to use it as a projected spread of fire. 


After the Apocalypse a myriad of angels coupled with human survivors. Prophets are the descendants of those offspring. Because of their genetic heritage Prophets are not affected by radiation and suffer no mutations. They are naturally strong and are great fighters amongst their other talents. 

SAS Increase: add 2 to Toughness, 3 to Agility, 1 to Immunity, and 1 to Charm. 

Natural Abilities

Sacred Vow: a Prophet makes a vow to God that they will neither cut their hair or carry a weapon of any sort. In return they are Blessed. If they should break this vow their blessing is removed, reducing all SAS by 4 and will lose their Natural Abilities altogether. 

Hand-to-Hand Bonus: when fighting Hand-to-Hand add +1 to Injury per level. Ex: a Prophet at Level 3 can add +3 to Injury in accompaniment with the Hand-to-Hand Table. 

The Hand of God: if a Prophet chooses not to participate in a battle they will be encompassed by a protective and Holy sphere. While in the midst of a battle, and not participating, the Prophet will simply not be struck. All attacks will be deflected back on the attacker. However, the moment the Prophet acts as participant the Holy sphere will be removed. If the Prophet misuses or in any way abuses this ability the Hand of God will leave them.  

Hell Fire Negation: when fighting a Demon using Hell Fire the full power of that fire is negated. Meaning a Prophet can fight a Demon with their bare hands and the fire will not instantly burn through them.


The Mother Church made several attempts at survival after the Apocalypse, but like everything else worldwide religion also met its end. One such attempt at survival was the establishment of The Order of Saint Gabriele Amorth, an order dedicated to eradicating the dying world of Demons. 

The Mother Church may have fallen but the Order flourished amongst small communities of survivors. The Order did grow but experienced a catechism and split when an Exorcist driven mad by radiation aligned with Asmodeus, a prince of Hell who sought to lead a coup against Lucifer. Brother Tobin led his own coup for leadership of The Order. In the end the Order was split into two factions: The Order of Saint Gabriele Amorth and The Order of Lord Asmodeus. 

Exorcists dedicated to either order will battle one another. Players must choose which order they serve. 

SAS Increase: add 1 to Toughness, 1 to Agility, 3 to Immunity, 2 to Education, 1 to Charm, and 2 to Menace. 

Natural Abilities

Bind Demon: in battle against a Demon the Exorcist can paralyze that Demon for 2 rounds of battle. 

Command Demon: in battle against a Demon the Exorcist can give that Demon 1 command that it must obey. However, it must be a reasonable command that the Demon would ordinarily act upon of its own volition. Ex: the Demon would ordinarily act to cause harm to others, including Demons, but it would not ordinarily act to take its own life. 

Manipulate Angel (exclusive to The Order of Lord  Asmodeus): in battle against an Angel the Exorcist can cause the Angel to believe they are hearing the Voice of God. As such, the Exorcist may command the Angel and that Angel will obey the command exactly as worded. The command must take no longer than one round (1 min.) to give. Any longer and the command will fail. The only command an Angel will not obey is the taking of their own life. 


During the War in Heaven there were numerous pantheons of gods that battled one another, the majority of which were eliminated by their own hubris and vanity. Those who survived did so by ancient means and took mortal hosts. Imbued with the power of a god the mortals who willingly gave their bodies discovered they were now nearly immortal, having not yet experienced death. 

Players choosing an Avatar PCC will customize their characters by selecting which god they have given their body to. There are numerous mythologies to choose from and players may select from any known classical pantheon, which include: Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek, Norse, Druidic, and many more. If a player can verify that god the GM is encouraged to allow it. 

SAS Increase: all Intellect scores increase by 10 and Physicality scores increase by 5 when in their Avatar State only. 

Natural Abilities

Avatar State: unlike the Manifest Deity spell in which the deity the host is possessed by takes complete control, the Avatar State allows the host a portion of control and can be activated at will. But this natural ability is draining of life force and once out of the state the host will lose consciousness for 1d20 hours of restoration. When they awaken all CP will be restored to full but the player must roll 1d20. Under 10 is a loss of memory while they were in the Avatar State. While in the Avatar State, Injury +5 on all magical attacks from the Avatar school only, and CP +10. 

Reincarnation: when an Avatar dies the player may take all of that character's XP and transfer it to the creation of another Avatar (only). If so the memories and experiences of the previous character will be retained in the mind of the new Avatar, and assuming the new host has given their body to the same deity/god. If the player wishes to create another type of PCC they may not transfer the XP and the new character will have no memories of the former character.