Creating A Character

Nothing is easier. Begin with Name: What do you want your character’s name to be? 

PCC: This is Player Character Classification. What do you want to play? There are five to choose from: 






XP: Experience Points. To advance you must gain experience points. The higher the level the stronger you become. At level 1 you start with 0 XP. 

Level: Each level you gain will increase your CP, Spells Per Level, and SP. Start at Level 1. All characters max out at Level 10.  

SAS: Statistical Abilities Scores. This is how you customize your character. Rolling for your SAS may be the most fun about creating a character. This is a 1d20 system. We roll a twenty sided die for everything.

There are nine abilities divided into three categories: Intellect, Physicality, and Personality. For each ability roll your d20. You can pick and choose which scores go to which ability. If you have a specific type of character you want to play this is handy, but it may be more challenging to roll once for each score straight down the list and accept the roll of the die. Only in this game there will be no score below a 10. That’s right. Reroll anything below 10. So by the end of this process you may have scores as high as 20, but nothing lower than 10. 


Discernment: This ability is needed primarily for situational awareness. If there is an ambush coming you are unaware of the GM may have you roll against your discernment score. Suppose that score is 13. Your roll must be 13 or under to succeed. You rolled a 12, just making it. The GM describes the situation to you, making you aware of the impending danger. 

Education: This score will help when you need to read a map or decipher a message. It is also good for the basics; reading, writing, etc..

Intuition: This score can help in knowing whether or not someone is lying, or detect the presence of an attacker. It is also good for fighting off some spells. 


Toughness: Your strength is important in a struggle against an opponent trying to strangle you. It is also useful in lifting heavy gates and breaking down doors. Most players will want a high score here. 

Agility: Suppose you need to cross a rickety bridge or climb up a steep mountain side. It helps to have good agility. 

Speed: How fast can you run? This score affects your Escape. 

Immunity: This score helps with more than just fighting off the common cold. A high score can help fight off magic attacks. 


Charm: There's a guard at a gate you need entrance through who could easily take you. Maybe you could persuade them instead of risking injury. 

Menace: No! You know you can take them. And make them sorry they ever saw you. Sometimes intimidation works too.


SP: Shield Points. The shield you use is assigned points. Your shield will take damage before your armor. When it reaches 0 SP you will then start taking damage directly to your armor. 

AP: Armor Points. Armor is assigned points. Your armor will suffer damage before your character. When it reaches 0 AP you will then start taking damage directly to your character. 

CP: Each PCC is assigned points from Level 1. As you gain XP and “level up” your CP increases. When you reach 0 CP you may make a “Death Roll”. 

Escape Bonus: If a battle is going poorly you may want to make a run for it and live to fight another day. This bonus is affected by your Agility. Details in Tables. 

Primary Weapon: Your chief weapon in battle. There are two types of weapons; Ballistics & Traditional. Choosing a primary weapon will affect how you fight. Because of their vows the Prophet cannot use either a traditional or ballistics weapon. Instead they fight hand-to-hand and with Enochian Magic. Details for hand-to-hand combat in Tables. If you are fighting Hand-to-Hand you will write that here. 

Primary Weapon Advantage: In choosing a primary weapon your character is proficient with you gain an ability of your own design with that weapon. Ex: your Primary Weapon is a pistol. You have designed a special ability that allows you to hit two targets with one shot and one Attack Roll. All designs must be approved by the GM. 

Secondary Weapon: This is your fallback weapon. 

Misc. Weapon: Some weapons are for use in close combat and as utility tools. 


SLP: Spell Points. To cast spells you must sacrifice SLP.  From Level 1 you are assigned SLP Per Battle. After each battle your SLP is restored. At Level 1 you start with 10 SLP.  

Spells Per Level: At level 1 you will start with 2 spells. As you gain levels that will increase.

Spell Check: You may use any spell at any time. To do so you must first pay SP and then roll a d20 for a Spell Check. You will roll under your Education score. The Spell Check score gives you a bonus to that roll. 

Injury Increase Per Level: This bonus is affected by your Education score. As your character gains experience your ability to master the spells you cast and cause severe injuries increases per level. Details in Tables.  

SPELLS: Keep track of the spells you use. At level 1 you only have 2. 

ADDITIONAL INFO: This game is battle-intensive. Although roleplay is a feature, your primary concern is battle. The world is in ruins and banks are a thing of the past. There is no money to keep track of, no real treasures to speak of. Anything you obtain will be either found or bartered for.