Transform to Water

The caster transforms any matter of a liquid state into clean water. 

School: Prophet

SLP Cost: 5

Duration: Permanent 

Create Fire

Useful for not much more than a campfire. The only damage to occur would be a spell check fail or if a creature stumbled in. 

School: Prophet

SLP Cost: 2

Duration 3 hours, longer if fed. 

Throw Fire

A caster summons fire and forms it into a ball in their hand to be thrown at a target. If caster fails Spell Check the damage is directed to self and their comrades. 

School: Prophet

SLP Cost: 5

Injury: 6 

Duration instant

Volley of Flaming Arrows

Caster conjures a mystical bow which releases a volley of flaming arrows at desired target (1). Injury is directed at self and comrades if Spell Check fails. 

School: Prophet

SLP Cost: 8

Injury 10 

Duration instant 

Prophet’s Vision 

Caster has a vision about the outcome of a battle or near future event. 

School: Prophet

SLP Cost: 10

Duration instant

Restore Item

The caster can restore one item back to its original form. This does not include lifeforms. 

School: Prophet

SLP Cost: 10

Duration permanent

Hands of Decay

The caster lays their hands on a living target. If the target fails a roll against their Immunity they suffer +10 Injury per round. 

School: Prophet

SLP Cost: 10

Duration until dead

Send Message 

This spell allows the caster to send a message to a particular device, or a particular person on a communications network, even if they are not currently attached to the network. 

School: Prophet

SLP Cost: 5

Duration: Instantaneous.

Plastic Explosive 

This spell creates a putty-like material that will explode and cause 100 points of Injury within a 60ft radius. To make it explode, it must be set on fire.

School: Prophet

SLP Cost: 10

Duration: Permanent.

Inflict Gamma Wounds 

By touching an opponent the caster causes severe radiation sickness and burns. Opponent rolls against their Immunity with -5. A fail causes a permanent loss of 2 Immunity points and incapacitation. 

School: Prophet

SLP Cost: 30

Duration permanent 

Gamma Mutation 

By touching an opponent the caster causes a genetic mutation. Opponent loses -4 to all Physicality scores and grows abnormalities in their body: goiters, extra limbs, etc. They may also suffer a curvature of the spine and their face swell with puss. Other more horrendous effects are at the discretion of the GM. This is a permanent mutation. The opponent will live the rest of their life in this condition.

School: Prophet

SLP Cost: 50

Duration permanent    

Gamma Monster 

A large gamma monster is created with +15 Injury, 20 AP and 40 CP. It is a destructive force and near-mindless. Once the caster has created it they do not have control over it. Anyone and anything in the area of its creation is a target for its rampage. Caster and comrades have +5 to Escape before the monster “comes to life”. Fortunately the creation is not permanent.  

School: Prophet

SLP Cost: 100

Duration 10 mins

Accelerate Decay 

By touching an opponent the caster causes their cells to accelerate to the point of decay. If an opponent fails a roll against their Immunity they die. If they succeed they are incpacitated and have aged to the last year of their lifespan. 

School: Prophet

SLP Cost: 100

Duration instant 

Word of God

Caster speaks a command to one opponent and that opponent obeys. No restrictions. 

School: Prophet

SLP Cost: 60

Duration: Instant